Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hey! Vegan MOFO!

Hey, am I calling you a surly, impudent plant eater?  Why no!  I'm just alerting you that September is the Vegan MOnth of FOod!  I just signed myself up to write a blog post a day for this project and hope I can share some fun and/or insight into eating vegan AND being healthy about it.

I can safely call myself the poster child for the chapter in Dr. John McDougall's latest book, "The Starch Solution", titled "The Fat Vegan."  Ouch, but true.  Although it's been lovely knowing that the way I'm eating wasn't harming most animals, it certainly was harming this one animal named moi.  (As Miss Piggy might say.)

I'm keenly interested in reversing some upsetting health issues of mine (the most embarrassing of which is a fatty liver - yech, just the effin' sound of it is gnarly) and so have been getting more diligent about making my vegan diet a healthier one.  Have any of you been on this journey? What helped you?

I'm so grateful that there's plenty of delicious vegan food to celebrate along the road to health!

I'll keep you guys updated on my progress and share about what I'm finding helpful and not so helpful.  Please feel free to comment!

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